The Realities and Challenges of Being a Programmer: Navigating Nightmare Clients and Setting Boundaries

The Realities and Challenges of Being a Programmer: Navigating Nightmare Clients and Setting Boundaries

Anytime I ever meet someone and they find out I’m a programmer the conversations are typically the same however I always get that one person who’s response is, I’ll happily pay ya to do it, if it works. These people are a total nightmare and a headache for all programmers. The chain of events are always the same, I show them my website or that yes I can do it and then I give them a price and what happens next? They find someone in online that is either a room full of people in India or Pakistan and pay them almost nothing to do the work. Well after they get that done and realize what they paid for doesn’t work they reach back out to me and give me the story of how they hired a team and they were promising and well can I help them fix it? My answer is simple, the fee is doubled. They respond quickly with a why is it doubled and my response is simply, now I have to find what the other team broke before I can fix it.

It blows my mind when people like that think because they have access to speak to me that I’m their on-call person. I don’t work for free and will not. This site was built for all persons whom need my services and abilities, I’m not here to answer coding messages from anyone doesn’t have a working arrangement with me, my time isn’t free and my skillset has a cost.

I’m here to help anyone who may need help with coding, I can even consult to help get things on the right track but that is a service that I offer.

The biggest thing I see and experience very often are companies who love to hire a mechanic to work on their car and then send a baker to tell the mechanic how to do it, sad to say those are not smart people.

So I’m working on a calendar that will be in the website to show my availability which are only Monday-Fridays, Saturday’s and Sundays I will not respond to anyone.

Thanks for reading, I write random thoughts.